Saturday, December 26, 2009

long time, no see

hahahah wow, i havent gotten on here in forrrrrrrrever.
liz, youre going to laugh once you see ive posted something :O

hah, so, yesterday was christmas.
it was amazinnngg <33333
i woke up.. iii was in charge of cooking these like potato things.. theyre like hash browns? haha. yah theyre good. and my cooking job was amazziiin.
haahaahaha allyson was cooking somehting. and she set a plastic plate on a hot burner.. burnt a hole in the plate.. and there was melting plastic on the stove.. hahahahha ittt was hilarious. but smelled SO bad. ugh. haha.
thennn we ate. i had BACON :D, my potato things, a biscuit, and this little apple turnover type thing my mommmy made. it was muy delicioso.
we opened gifts :D and i got a tooon of like little things from mom. i got a new ihome :D WOOT WOOOT. haha and a couple weeks ago i got a new laptop.. so, that was a tooon of my present. and i got a new purse. its cuuuute =] and a new makeup bag.. haha mine was too small :[
then mom cooked lunch.. we had ham, mac and cheese, apples (which btw, my mother is the BEST at making), CORN, yummm im addicted to corn, anddd cressants.
lunch was also muy delicioso.
sat around all afternoon.
went to dad's. i met his girlfriend btw, ugh. haaa. thats a different story :D
opened my presents there...
got a touch, FINALLY.
and a chi FINALLY haha.
and more little thigns.. like a LIFETIME supply of lotions and body washes and hand sanitizer. he's a freak.

but, me and dad are well kinda getting along now ha. we manage each other somehow?
im so so so so ready for second semester. all my classes are getting SOOOOOOOOO old. ugh.
i dread taking my civics and my biology exam though : fmll haha im going to faillll both.

lets see, cheer? is old. im tired of it : and i need a bigggg break from it.
next year i think im just doing football? its just waaay too long of a season.

tanner? were doin just fantastic =] hah. im so happy with him <3
friends? great. no drama. its goooooooood!

haha. so, theres an update.
may write some other time if i get ooberly bored

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, kayBYE! ;)
go watch the "pothole geico commercial" on youtube if you havent. its amazing. :D